Christie Lewis
Christie Lewis
A Bit about Christie
Christie joined S&C in October 2020 on a Freshstart Challenge. She got incredible results, including a drop in visceral fat from a level 13 down to a 6!
Anything with running can bring out Christie’s competitive side, but she is also the friendliest most encouraging partner to have in a workout - always communicating and cheering on her peers.
Outside of the gym Christie is a keen cook and loves the outdoors camping and bush-walking.
“Training has helped me focus and believe in myself more - I can keep pedaling or rowing at a higher level for those last few seconds.
I love training at Freshstart for the people - both the trainer and members. S&C classes have a real camaraderie, amongst the chatting there is hard work being done with loads of encouragement and support.
Keeping fit and healthy is important “if you don’t us it, you lose it!”. I figure it helps keep old age at bay!”