We've updated our COVID Safe plan in line with the NSW Health COVID-19 Guidelines.

From 15th December, masks and proof of vaccination will no longer be required. Please see details here:

How can we work together to keep the gym Clean & Safe?

Still QR code in with the NSW app when entering (this is still compulsory)

Hand sanitize when entering & exiting the gym

Keep a 1.5m social distance wherever possible

Use a towel on all equipment (inc. cardio)

Spray & wipe equipment using the disinfectant provided

We want to ensure that we can all keep training in the place we love

With the new guidelines, we can still work together to keep the gym clean and safe.

What to do if you are a close contact?

·       Self-isolate for 7 days

·       Get a nose and throat (PCR) test at a testing clinic straight away and again on day 6

·       Leave self-isolation after 7 days if your test on day 6 is negative, you feel well and you have had no further contact with a COVID-19 positive person o

·       For the following 7 days, please work from home if you can, avoid mixing with others and do not go to high-risk settings (healthcare, aged care, disability care, early childhood centres, primary school and correctional facilities) even if it is your place of work

·       Get tested again on day 12

What should I do if I live with a close contact?

If you live with a person who you cannot keep separated from (e.g. a child or carer where alternative arrangements cannot be made), they do not need to self-isolate with you, but they must not attend high-risk settings (health care, aged care, disability care, early childhood centres, primary school and correctional facilities) during your isolation period. If they work in one of these settings, their employer may do a risk assessment to allow them to return to work.

What to do if I am a casual contact?

If you are a casual contact of someone with COVID-19:

·       Get tested for COVID-19 immediately and self-isolate until you get a negative result

·       Get tested again on day 6 after your last contact with the COVID-19 positive person.

·    If you feel well, you do not need to self-isolate while waiting for this test result.